Letter to the editor: Don’t change Barney just yet
Fred Schnell
Health & P.E. Instructor, Former Head Basketball Coach
I have heard many versions as to why the logo for the Athletic Department is being changed. I sent an email to Seth Albert, our ASG President, just as his email reminding everyone to vote instructed me to do if I had any questions. I asked him to please tell me the reason(s) for the change, since I have heard several versions of a reason for changing. His reply? I waited more than 48 hours without a reply before deciding to write to The Advocate… (Have you read “Catch 22”?)
Those of us in the Athletic Department have been asking why the change since we first heard about the contest to change the logo during Dr. Derr’s address at the “New Student Orientation” in September. Imagine our (Athletic Department members) surprise that “our” logo was going to be changed. I say “our” logo because the reason for Barney’s existence is as the representative of the athletic teams since MHCC first started athletics. If it weren’t for athletic teams, there would be no Barney! The school logo is the mountain symbol found on all printed material from the school, as well as the letterhead on stationery. You know, the one that looks like we stole it from Adidas. Whoever initiated this change showed a complete lack of integrity and courage to not consult the Athletic Department before beginning this “end run” attack.
It seems rather ironic that as we celebrate fifty years as an institution and emphasize the glorious history of Mt Hood Community College that we are being forced to eliminate one of the icons that represent a great deal of that glorious history. As a former head coach here at Mt. Hood, I am personally offended that the suggestion of changing a longstanding tradition is being forced upon us, the Athletic Department, against our wishes.
I say forced because the Athletic Department was not consulted as to whether they would like to make a change before this contest was initiated. The president says it was student-driven. The students say it is administration-driven. In any case, the current version of Barney is not even a choice to vote for. Even if there is a group of students who are driving this proposed change, just maybe they are a vocal minority and the majority of students (and quite possibly staff) would prefer to keep the current, lovable Barney. But I guess they do not even get a chance to voice their preference.
Shouldn’t anyone who prefers keeping the current version of Barney be given the right to state such through a public vote? I would urge everyone who can vote to write in a vote for the current Barney if you do not agree that we need a change or if you just do not like any of the three finalists.
And then there is the money issue, which always seems to be in short supply. The Advocate reported on the recent reductions to the Athletic Department budgets. Where is the money going to come from to replace all of the championship banners hanging in the gymnasium, the entry rugs on display around campus which feature Barney’s picture, all of the printed materials bearing his likeness and all of the uniforms and equipment with the logo on it?
It would seem rather ridiculous to change the logo and not change everything which is represented by the old logo. Did anyone in student government think about the financial implications, President Seth Albert? Do you have an answer to that, or any of the questions I have posed? I would really like some answers.
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