MHCC students can explore the world

New this year to the MHCC Study Abroad program is San Isidro General, Costa Rica, which will be available to students in winter term 2013.
Cost for Costa Rica trip is estimated at $4,475 and will include all living expenses and MHCC tuition.

“Living in another culture changes perspectives on your surroundings; you gain the overall global experience. This program is definitely worth the money,” said David Wright, writing instructor and MHCC representative to the Oregon International Education Consortium for the Study Abroad Program.

Mt. Hood Community College is providing the “world” study abroad program with the opportunity to travel to see a whole other perspective on the world.
Students in the program will have the opportunity to spend two to eight weeks outside of America, depending on the country. Destinations include San Miguel de Allende, Mexico; Perugia, Italy; Paris, France; London, England and Kyoto, Japan.

Requirements for the program include at least a 2.0 GPA, a minimum age of 18, and the ability to pay. Scholarships are available.

For questions or thoughts about the program, contact:

Study Abroad Program Coordinator Paul Eckhardt at [email protected] or Wright at [email protected]

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