Image created to show family spending time together for the holiday season.

Graphic by Angeles Ramirez / the Advocate

It’s that time of year, where it seems festivities run for the full month of December for the Christian holiday, Christmas. However, we’d like to mention, it’s not just Christians celebrating this time of year.

In fact, the Jewish holiday, Hanukkah, started on Sunday, Dec. 2. During this time, practicing Jews light candles on a special holder called a menorah, which typically holds eight candles that symbolize the miracle when one day’s worth of oil burned for eight days in the Temple of Jerusalem.

Other holidays include St. Lucia Day, celebrated in Scandinavia, which occurs on Dec. 13, and Kwanzaa, which means “First Fruits,” based on ancient African harvest festivals celebrating ideas such as family, life, and unity. This holiday is celebrated Dec. 26 – Jan. 1.

There’s also festivities surrounding the new year. Many Asians celebrate Lunar New Year, which varies by date each calendar year but often extends into February.

We at the Advocate believe this is a time to celebrate and be thankful for what we have in our lives, whatever our leanings. Sometimes it’s the simple things that can bring us joy. So, if you get upset about someone saying either “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” just know that this is a time for well wishes, of all varieties. Take those good intentions to heart, and appreciate that someone wishes you well.

We live in a diverse country, and a diverse area. We think it’s okay to highlight other cultures and celebrations within our community.

We hope you all have a wonderful break, and hope that completing this term is at least one cause for celebration for you. Happy Holidays, from the Advocate.


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