Do you think food options on campus could better serve students

Photograph of various food items from the vendors on campus.

Photos by Fletcher Wold / the Advocate

As college students, we understand being on campus all day is a hassle when it comes to food. Unless you are in a program or Student Life activity that offers an area to store your food, you’re usually left with what’s available on campus. If you have a car, you could go off campus to grab some grub, but oftentimes there’s a short window between classes, giving you a limited amount of time to eat before your next four-to-six-hour set of classes.

Overall, we at the Advocate think there could be some improvements regarding food on campus. We think there are limited options as far as vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free foods available. We think the quality of food could be improved, especially in the Riverview Café; its hours could be extended, as well.

At the moment, there are a few different options where students and staff can get food on campus: the Riverview Barista in Building 17, BlackRock, the Bookstore, and the Vista Dining Hall, otherwise known as the Riverview Café. Barney’s Pantry offers free food and hygienic supplies exclusively to current students.

Each area has limited offerings depending on its hours and products available.

The Riverview Café is the only place that offers a variety of hot food, and is open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday–Friday. Riverview Catering also operates the Riverview Barista at the opposite end of campus, which offers prepackaged food from the Café and shelved items such as snack packs of chips.

Outside of Riverview, there’s the BlackRock coffee bar and the MHCC Bookstore. BlackRock offers toasted bagels and pastries. The Bookstore offers a lot of packaged foods, from energy bars to frozen pizza pockets. This is the area where students can find a quick grab-and- go snack and beverage.

Barney’s Pantry offers free food to current students, open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays each term. The pantry now has two industrial fridges, which will be stocked with fresh produce and other perishable food items. The Student Union also has a new process to track use of the pantry.

Students will now have their student ID swiped once for pantry access. Previously, students had to enter their ID number when entering and exiting the pantry. The old system had some flaws; some students would abuse the system by entering another student’s ID number, and if necessary, it would take a while to verify if the student was currently enrolled.

If you are not a current student, staff in the Student Union will help you find resources you need.

Photograph of a $5.79 grilled sandwich on a plastic wrapper from the cafeteria on campus.


Prices aren’t the best either, especially in the Bookstore. Snack foods, such as a 5-ounce bag of pistachios, cost $2.98 at Walmart but on campus, they’re $5.99.

For a broader view, we wanted to figure out just how much staff and students utilize food options on campus, and when. To find out, we created an online survey on Feb. 1. By noon on Wednesday, we received 134 responses; 114 were from students, 20 were from MHCC staff and faculty.

The survey indicated 16 percent of respondents never eat food available on campus.

Photograph of a $2.00 supreme pizza slice on a brown paper plate from the campus cafeteria.


Others indicated that they consumed food available a number of times each week:

• Once per week, 29 percent

• Twice per week, 31 percent

• Three times per week, 17 percent

• Four times per week, 5 percent

• Five times or more per week, 2 percent

Photograph of the $3.00 berry scone from Black Rock on campus.


Respondents also indicated when they usually need food on campus Monday through Saturday. The results include the following:

• 7 a.m.–noon, 34 percent

• Noon–2 p.m., 36 percent

• 2–10 p.m., 30 percent

Our results indicate an evenly divided need for food throughout the day, and evening. And with 16 percent of those not even utilizing food on campus, it makes us wonder why they decide not to eat what’s available. There could be a number of reasons, based on their own schedule, food preferences, and other factors.

Photograph of a $4.00 half cold meat club sandwich from the Cafe on campus.


We also asked participants if they identified with any food allergies, food preferences (such as vegetarian, vegan, or keto diets), or dietary restrictions. Roughly 61 percent of respondents did not list an allergy, food preference, or dietary restriction.

• Food allergies, 12 percent

• Gluten-free, 3 percent

• Lactose intolerance, 16 percent

• Vegetarian, 14 percent

• Vegan, 5 percent

• Keto, 5 percent

• Paleo, 2 percent

Finally, we offered those surveyed a question for open response, asking if they think the food on campus could be improved. We received 101 responses.

In general, answers indicated room for improvement in regards to lack of healthy options, cost of food, concern over the limited time hot food is available, and lack of options for specific diets, such as vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options.

At a certain point, it is not sustainable for these businesses to be open during slow periods, which is likely why they’re not open later in the day. The one area that is open most of the time is where a large number of respondents choose to go: BlackRock.

There is obviously a need for change. BlackRock and Riverview are relatively new at Mt. Hood, both starting on campus during Fall Term of 2017. As time goes on, we hope to see options on campus evolve to accommodate what students and staff need to succeed while on campus. Food helps fuel our bodies to do more, so, please – give us better options.


  1. Nicole (Nikki) Lane February 11, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    When my dad worked as a Custodian at MHCC Gresham campus from 7pm to 5am we would go to the Vista Dining to eat dinner together before my class at 6pm. My favorites were the hot soups, veggie salads, baked potatoes and the hot grilled veggies with mashed potatoes.
    Prices then were like $5.00 for a large 32oz soup and salad. $3.99 baked potato bar, drink included.
    Now that my dad has been retired for over 13 years, I was not able to get tution discounts or hot dinner.

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