New fridges allows for perishable items

Photo of Fardwosa Duale, ASG Campus Safety & Sustainability Representative, helping stock the pantry after the acceptance of the Foundation donation on Jan. 24.

Fardwosa Duale, ASG Campus Safety & Sustainability Representative helping stock the pantry after the acceptance of the Foundation donation on Jan. 24. Photo by Fletcher Wold / the Advocate

Mt. Hood’s Barney’s Pantry in the Student Union offers free food and toiletries to current students. With recent donations, the pantry was able to purchase two industrial-type fridges to store fresh food items for students.

On Jan. 24, the MHCC Foundation presented a check of $26,000 to Associated Students of MHCC (the Student Life division at Mt. Hood) for the purchase of a new refrigerator to be housed in Barney’s Pantry. Half of the money came from Foundation donors; the other half was matched by the Foundation itself.

The following day, two fridges, shelving, and a new microwave were delivered by Riegelmann’s Appliance of Gresham to the pantry, costing $4,955 altogether. The rest of the funds will be used to purchase upgrades to the pantry, and packaged goods from Cash&Carry (recently rebranded Smart Foodservice Warehouse Stores) that offer more inclusive and easy-to-make food options.

For now the new priority is to remove carpeting from the pantry, reducing fire risk and creating a more sanitary, easy-to-clean area. Other future planned purchases include Bluetooth thermometers that would alert Student Life officials if the fridge fails, and additional shelving.

After major priorities are taken care of, the remaining donated funds will be used to fund the pantry items from Smart Foodservice. The purchase of other items is in part due to the fact that supplies donated by the Oregon Food Bank are targeted towards food to be prepped at home, and the ordering system isn’t especially specific.

Cassie James, Student Union assistant and fiscal manager for Student Life, offered an example where the order will say “can of soup” with no further details indicating what kind of soup it is. Currently, food is ordered about once a month.

With the new microwave at the back of the Student Union, students can now enjoy heated items. Currently, there are plans to work with Riverview Café to clean utensils such as can openers.

The pantry is always accepting donations. Popular items include peanut butter, grab-and-go meals, snack packs, and microwaveable items. Feminine hygiene items and other hygiene items are also needed. There will be another campus food drive next month, with dates to be determined.

If you are a current student looking to utilize the pantry, all you need is a student ID. If you don’t have a student ID, you can have one made for free in the Student Union or in the Library at the front desk.

Staff will be going to Oregon Food Bank on Monday to gather more food itemss, including perishables.

The pantry is open Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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