January is here, and if you are like me, you are itching for spring to come and to get back out in the garden.
It is not too early to start the 2022 garden season; however, before the fun part of planting seeds and watching them grow you need to get the work out of the way first. And steps taken now will make springtime gardening a breeze.
Start by getting your shed, or at least, your tools, in order. Go over your tools and sharpen the blades and oil hinges. Do some spring cleaning and organize your workspace. Take stock of what you have on hand and replenish your supplies as needed. Put together your plant supports, build garden beds, install shepherd’s hooks (for hanging planters) or window boxes.
When choosing a plot for the garden, consider how much sunlight your space receives. According to the website and blog, in the North Hemisphere vegetable gardens should face south because they will receive the most sunlight.
How much space you have will limit what you can grow. Lettuce plants, for instance, only need a container 6 inches deep and a foot across, while pumpkins need a larger space. You will want to have your garden set up near a watering source and in an area that is easily accessible. According to gardening author Nicole Burke, the more convenient you make the garden experience, the less it will feel like work, and it is more likely to be successful.
Start preparing your garden beds once the frost has lifted and the soil is workable. Soil becomes compacted in the winter, and you will need to till it up. Work the soil down 12 to 14 inches to loosen it
up. Remove any vegetation or rocks in the way until you are down to the bare ground. Fresh organic matter can be put on a compost pile to break down, while decomposed organic matter can be tilled into the soil. Be sure to remove any weeds from the earth to prevent them from competing with your garden plants.
Next, spread compost over the soil. A soil test can let you check the pH and nutrient levels to see what needs to be added. If you have poor soil, adding a layer of compost will improve the nutrient content and aid water retention. Rake out the soil until it is level and water it lightly to release air pockets. Finally, apply a thick layer of mulch over the top to prevent weeds from growing.
You can extend your growing season by starting seeds indoors. Growing plants from seed is cheaper than purchasing established plants from a nursery and gives you a more comprehensive selection of plants to choose from. To germinate seeds, put them on a damp paper towel or coffee filter, place them in a plastic bag, and store them in a dark and cool place. Move them to a pot or plant tray when you see the seeds sprouting. If you don’t have pots or planting trays, you can recycle items such as yogurt containers or juice cartons from your home.
Taking these steps now to prepare your garden will set you up for success this spring, when it comes.
Happy gardening!
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