Take yourself on a date

MHCC provides self-love on Valentine's Day

February is often referred to as the month of love, where people express their love for others, and especially themselves.

However, the past few years have been challenging for students, with the COVID pandemic disrupting their lives and limiting social interaction. It has been a struggle for many students to practice self-love and to spread love to their loved ones.

In light of this, MHCC helped students celebrate and promote love through the Love Yourself event, appropriately held on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. 

Emily Phoun, special events coordinator for Mt. Hood’s student body government, highlighted the challenges that students have faced during the pandemic and how the event aimed to rekindle the act of showing love to themselves and others. She said the event was designed to help students “promote self-purpose and self-love.”

Phoun noted that roses, chocolates, and goodie bags are traditional, and excellent ways to spread love. But students were also encouraged to write letters to their friends, family, or even themselves, sharing words of love and encouragement. Writing letters to loved ones is an excellent way to share love, and it can be a great bonding experience.

From Phoun again, here are a few specific tips to help someone practice self-love and spread love to others:

First, writing down personal goals and achievements is an excellent way to practice self-love. It helps to remind us of our worth and progress towards our goals. Second, spending time with family and friends is a great way to share love. It is essential to create time to catch up, have fun, and enjoy the company of the people we love.

Last, writing letters to distant loved ones or friends can make a world of difference. It is an excellent way to let them know that you care, and you are thinking of them. 

Even though the Love Yourself event has passed, we can all practice self-love and spread love to our loved ones all year round. A little act of love can go a long way, and it is essential to make it a part of our daily routine.

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