Photo by Denis Kuvaev

About two months ago I started a job as a live-in nanny. At first, I was not even looking to be any such thing. But a friend gave my name to her good friend, and here I am, two months in, and I love it!

This job has been a wakeup call though on how to be an adult, how to better organize my schedule and time. This job has been amazing – stressful like any other job – but it has been such a blessing to work with and for this family, and I am honored to be helping raise such wonderful children.

The ones I watch are age 5 and 7, and the 7-year-old has special needs. This adds another level of difficulty for someone with no experience as a nanny, but I took the job. These little kids have been so wonderful, and I have learned so many things from them, like how to have better patience, how to just have fun without a worry or care in the world – and with everything going around us, just having childlike innocence, which would be a blessing.

These two have taught me about letting go of those worries a bit. It’s okay to let loose and go a little crazy for a bit because we all need to let loose every now and then!

This job is the hardest job I have ever had, and it has been so rewarding. The lessons I’ve learned have been incomparable to things I learned in my previous job. Of course, there are going to be growing pains, like everything that is new. I’m currently going through some of those, but they will pass as the time goes on, and with the more I learn.

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