’21 Jump Street’ adaptation leaves audiences arrested with laughter

Jenko and Schmidt move from park patrol to the revived '80s program, 21 Jump Street

Full of laughs and complete nonsense, “21 Jump Street,” is currently known as the ’80s television show to launch Johnny Depp’s career and will now be known as a movie that keeps everyone laughing throughout.

Channing Tatum stars as Jenko and Jonah Hill as Schmidt and the two combine to make a great comedic team of poorly performing cops.

The movie opens with the two of them in high school – Jenko following the role of the stereotypical dopey jock and Schmidt as the nerdy loser.

Fast forward to present day and both of them are struggling in the police academy on their way to become officers. Realizing they can help each other out, Jenko trains Schmidt in athletics and Schmidt brings up the failing Jenko to average grades.

Like I said, they don’t perform their cop duties well, even as bicycle cops, and are moved to another department to work on 21 Jumpstreet, a revival of a cancelled ’80s program, with other youthful appearing cops to help bust crime in high schools.

The goal of the two cops is to serve undercover as brothers living in Schmidt’s family home to infiltrate a synthetic drug ring and prevent it from expanding from the local high school.

This presents problems for Schmidt who apparently hasn’t spent much time at home in the past few years and has to deal with his family and family acquaintances and prevent them from blowing his cover.

It also doesn’t help that the high school principle isn’t in on the plot and ends up switching their fake identities.

One of my favorite aspects about this movie is how it blatantly pokes fun at so many movie stereotypes – from explosions, to racial slurs, the hierarchies in high school and the fact high school students in movies look like they’re 40, they’re all included.

And while a lot of the jokes were entirely inappropriate, it was never offensive. The jokes flowed really well with what was happening in the movie and they were funny. I can’t think of any movies within the past six months that have made me laugh as hard as I did with the one. I definitely recommend seeing it.

“21 Jump Street,” is rated “R” for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, drug material, teen drinking and some violence.

It opens nationwide today, so check your local theater for show times.

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