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More than 100 tense days have gone by since the city-wide protests against institutional injustice erupted in Portland. As the powerful voices of furious citizens echo through every street, figures in black and red emerge to empower them, appearing from the crowds like specters of vengeance. 

The countless viral smartphone recordings capturing brutal misuse of force by Portland city police officers – images instantly available with one internet – no doubt continue to fuel the fire of disdain for the established law enforcement. It should come as no surprise, then, that many residents have taken it upon themselves to don the titular flower-decorated, dual-flagged symbol of Rose City Antifa to act as a line of defense for demonstrators.  

The oldest anti-fascist group in the United States, or at least the oldest to take up the compounded “Antifa” name, Rose City Antifa has cohesively existed in Portland since 2007. Most of its history has been spent doing behind-the-scenes activism and public outing of neo-Nazis and Nazi ideology-affiliated individuals.  

Public demonstrations have not been uncommon through the years. But after obvious, relatively recent events, much more conspicuous appearances, and the greater statement they represent, have grown more prevalent.  

Generally, however, for those on the opposite side of the political spectrum from the contemporary anti-fascist movement, Antifa’s nationwide presence is a boogeyman practically unparalleled. The current U.S. president has gone on record numerous times essentially demonizing the groups’ very existence, expressing a desire to have them labeled as a “terrorist organization.” This is in spite of a total lack of cited evidence by nonpartisan media outlets to even suggest such a label is anything close to justifiable. 

Even as the West Coast wildfires blaze through several states, now well-disproved rumors detailing Antifa as having ignited them to spread within centrist and conservative spaces. This is no doubt, thanks in part to popular podcaster Joe Rogan having recently helped to fuel the fabrication on his show (though having since recanted, and apologized for, his misinformed statement).  

With more and more citizens growing disillusioned with the Trump administration’s influence on American society, right-wingers cling more and more tightly to the scapegoating of the anti-fascist movement.  

No matter the true beliefs of Republican voters, it should be apparent why the intentional attempt to discredit an otherwise credible group standing against tyrannical ideology should be rather troubling. Since the president’s inauguration, countless people have noted the United States’ sharp increase in nationalist tendency (Trump having even infamously declared himself as one in 2018). 

The White House proudly inciting a fearful hatred for those who come together under a common goal of ridding the world of hateful perspective should be a red flag to anyone who desires a reality where they are free to live as they are.  

The fact of the matter is, while Antifa has shown no true reason to be a logical recipient of contempt, the governmental structure in just the last four years alone surely has. 

Policies targeting queer and trans people, people of color, the impoverished, the disabled, etc. have all been rolled out from Washington, D.C. without hesitation. 

If there is anything threatening the freedom of individuals and their happiness, it is this.  

The Right finding an enemy in those who are battling for the pursuit of happiness is hypocritical, at best, and indescribably dangerous, at worst. 

For anyone who truly admire the values the United States has traditionally stood for, there is a clear ally, after all.  

And it is not the one hiding in a bunker while the oppressed of the country valiantly fights for their liberties.  


  1. ANTIFA is not the boogeyman because unlike the boogeyman ANTIFA is real. Your blazing support of this group is evident throughout your article. As well is your bias. You reference law enforcement “misuse of force” but never address the violence, intimidation and needless destruction by ANTIFA while you painted them as the hero of this story. The problem with radical thinking is one often tends to be blindsided to their own shortcomings and hypocrisy. ANTIFA and protesters who “support” violence and intimidation how are they any better than the group they are protesting against ? And when did generalizations become fact? My suggestion, is take off the blinders next time you write a story for the school newspaper. As the saying goes, “there is always two sides to a story”.
    Signed: A Conservative View

  2. Your virtue signaling has been “duly noted”. It seems to me hypocrisy is alive and well in all of us, some more than others. Interesting how people who point at others for causing “divisiveness” tend to have no problem at their own attempts at creating it. You might want to reflect on your own bias and divisiveness before writing more of your “opinions”. Some day you might actually be embarrassed by this article, or not. Your opinion today might not be your opinion in the future. I felt a little embarrassed for you after reading this article. I wonder your age, your background, your life experience. Is this article more about a need for attention than anything else. Placing importance on your views above others as more righteous, more factual, more superior. What does this article say about you?

  3. Totally biased and no supporting facts about Antifa-you don’t have to be “far right” to believe that this group is unbalanced, and yes they are violent-attacking vulnerable folks-is all news as you say “fake” until it supports your ideas, and that is what it is simply a perspective with no supporting facts other than comments. True journalism presents both sides, or has that evaporated with this generations “dismantling of the truth to fit their unicorns, marajuana, and everybody is right if they are on your side generation.” Poppycock and Baulderdash!!!!!

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