Bioterrorism drill brings LifeFlight helicopter with mock patients

Do not be alarmed… you’re only seeing a drill.

MHCC’s Gresham Campus will host one portion of a broad, joint-agency bioterrorism response drill, set for 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday in parking Lot V near the baseball field.

The drill features a scenario in which the metro area suffers a bioterrorism attack and local hospitals become overwhelmed and overloaded with patients.

In this case, local emergency services will coordinate to have incident victims converge at a special Medical Care Point (MCP) designated at MHCC, then provide basic medical attention and transport them to other hospitals.

Part of the drill will feature a LifeFlight helicopter landing at the simulated MCP and also make use of two mock patients.

More than 60 local jurisdictions will join in the bioterrorism drill, which starts elsewhere on Tuesday.

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