October 12, 2017 0Horrorscopes for the Halloween FansScorpio You think you’re tough, huh? The typical Scorpio is a habitual thrill-seeker, and with Halloween [...]
January 27, 2017 0Horror Scopes Jan. 27, 2017Gemini – Forget what your therapist says. If whispering Paul Simon lyrics in the ear of the stranger in [...]
June 2, 2016 0Horror ScopesGemini– Brutal Hibiscus bash through the membrane. Slurp through the poppy field and tongue my nostril, [...]
May 19, 2016 0Horror Scopes, May 20Aquarius – Van Gogh cut off his ear to give to his girlfriend. It might seem crazy, but a truly useless [...]
May 5, 2016 0Horror Scopes, May 6Aquarius – Mercury is waning, about a third into its phase. Naturally, doing things in threes would be [...]
April 14, 2016 0Horror Scopes, Apr. 15Aquarius – Convention is synonymous with stagnation this week. If you want to get baked even a little, [...]