November 9, 2012 0‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ enchants and entertains all agesAlex Giorgi as Mr. Fox, far left leads several other foxes during a scene at a dress rehearsal on Friday Nov. [...]
November 2, 2012 0CD leaves listeners with mixed feelingsMelody and metal collide with mixed results in All That Remains’ upcoming release, “A War You Cannot [...]
October 5, 2012 0Review: A capella comedy offers audience many laughsIf you wanted a movie with an exciting twist, a suspenseful plot or an original story line, Pitch Perfect [...]
June 8, 2012 0Metric vocalist highlights tracks on fifth studio album ‘Synthetica’Releasing their fifth studio album next week, Canadian indie rock band Metric is again delighting fans with [...]
May 25, 2012 0Men in Black are back to the future in third filmAround the time a movie storyline hits film three, things typically take a turn for the overdone or the [...]
May 18, 2012 0New Zealand artist imports a spin on pop vocalsGaining worldwide attention from that international radio troll of a song “Somebody That I Used to [...]