Cyber security and hacking how to’s
FBI Special Agent Phil Slinkard, Portland division cyber crime team member, will speak on campus about cyber security and hacking at 4 p.m. Monday in Room AC1271.
The event will cover trends and issues regarding cyber security in America. It is open to everyone, although seating is limited.
Slinkard will discuss cyber attacks and their effects on the national level and America’s response, said Wayne Machuca, computer information systems instructor.
“The session will be important not only for our cyber security students, but (also for) anyone who uses the internet for shopping or banking and is concerned about who is after their online information and what they can do about it,” said Machuca.
MHCC began offering the Cyber Security degree program this fall; instructors Paul Morris and Machuca developed it.
Machuca says the program is designed to prepare students to be effective in fighting cyber attacks as computer technology progresses and that MHCC’s program is the only one offered at this level within Oregon.
“Cyber Security is becoming a matter of great concern to all Americans. Every day we hear about new attacks and new data losses even at the highest levels,” said Machuca.
The program will host a speaker with “direct experience with current cyber security issues,” each term this year, he said. It hosted Steve Parker from EnergySEC in the fall term, to discuss security issues in the nation’s infrastructure. It will host Malcolm Harkins, vice president and chief security and privacy officer for Intel Corp., during spring term, said Machuca.
— Katelyn Hilsenbeck
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