Federal grant to boost academic help at MHCC
Early this month, MHCC was awarded a $2.1 million federal grant linked to a “Strengthening Institutions Program.” This grant provides approximately $429,000 per year over the next five years, with the aim of increasing student retention and providing individualized resources for students.
That should mean additional, focused help for any student, so long as they take advantage.
Though the logistics have yet to be hammered out, the grant aims to provide more resources through the AVID center. If you haven’t taken a peek up there yet, I highly recommend it. It provides tutoring, support, helps to supplement gaps in your education, and it provides a quiet space to study.
The grant seeks to expand AVID’s efficacy by specifically scaling up Noncognitive Skills Assessments and Learning Communities. Noncognitive Skills Assessments look at factors like determination, previous life successes or emotional intelligence (strengths you have that may not necessarily translate into academia), and helps you to cultivate those strengths and translate them into academic success.
Learning Communities are staffed by a mixture of AVID staff and instructors from the Humanities and Human Development departments. These communities focus on providing new students a welcoming, positive place to begin in college.
As Matthew Farina, an AVID learning specialist, described it, “Sometimes, when you first come to college, you’re expected to know things that no one ever tells you.” These things can range from financial aid paperwork to study techniques, from time management to seeking out help when you need it – but the ultimate goal is to give you the tools to succeed and get the most out of your education.
Whether you’re having trouble with some concepts and need one-on-one tutoring; struggling to figure out how to make time for your homework; haven’t written a paper in a few years and need pointers; or, just need some support in general – the AVID learning center is an excellent resource for any student attending MHCC.
AVID, in Room 3315 (above the Library), is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday.
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