FOX network’s new hit series
“Second Chance” is a new TV series on FOX. The series is a science fiction crime drama inspired by Mary Shelley’s book, “Frankenstein.”
The series follows the life of an old man named James Pritchard. Pritchard was a former county sheriff who became morally corrupt, fabricated evidence to protect his city, was disgraced, and forced to retire. After a series of events, the 75 year-old Pritchard is killed.
Mary Goodwin and her brother, Otto Goodwin, own a company called Lookinglass. Otto is the true tech-genius behind the company but suffers from social anxiety and only speaks with his sister. Mary is the face of the billionaire twins’ business.
The story starts by telling viewers that Mary is sick with cancer and her treatments aren’t working. Otto has come up with a plan to help his sister through genetically altered blood transplants, but in order to do so, needs a person with a specific blood type.
Pritchard is that person.
After stealing a dead man’s body, blacking out all of King County, Wash., and going against his sister’s advice, Otto successfully creates his very own Frankenstein monster.
Pritchard comes back to life and gains his “Second Chance.”
Throughout the series, Pritchard agrees to help Mary by giving her blood transfusions and, in return, gets to go play cop using Lookinglass’s resources.
Pritchard assists in a number of cases helping his son Duval Pritchard, an FBI agent. The two work together in the series with James Pritchard walking the line between getting caught by law enforcement and staying safe in the home of the Goodwins.
The story would be great for viewers who are into crime drama shows. If solving mysteries and fighting crime is your deal, this show is for you. If you don’t like those things, find something else. Personally, I’m a fan of crime dramas; I give this new TV series a 4/5.
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