Happy New Year, 2020!
Don’t you want your goals to be achieved this year? I have some tips on how to help you make that happen.
Why are New Year’s goals so hard to achieve? Is it because that on Dec. 31 we all want to say, “Happy New Year!” and then there are those typical goals of “I want to go to the gym” or “I want to eat better,” and a month later we give up so easily? Why is that?
I believe a way to make your goals in 2020 easier and more successful is using this example from my goals.
Melanie Roberts’ 2020 goals:
WORKING OUT – I will go to the gym two days a week, and work my way up to four days a week.
EAT HEALTHY – Every day, I will pack at least one healthy snack before leaving the house.
PROCRASTINATE LESS – I really want to make sure that I will actually get house projects accomplished right when I think about it, that day, instead of procrastinating and waiting for weeks to finish.
SAVING $$$ – Unfortunately, I spend money. Instead, I need to practice saving my money because I want to travel more in 2020, and have my own place to live. How will I do this? I will need to work more hours at my job.
GROWING ON YOUTUBE – I upload YouTube videos just for fun and I want to grow, learn, and improve my channel and editing. This is a hobby of mine that I truly love doing in my spare time. My goal in 2020 is to get a vlog camera and any other technology I will need. Again, that’s more saving I will need to do in 2020… sigh.
Instead of just saying what you want to achieve, explain what you want to achieve. Be specific as to why you want to work out, eat healthier, etc. Anyway, these are my top five goals that I truly hope to achieve in 2020.
I hope this helps you with your goals. Try to think outside the box. It’s January, and this is a whole new year; don’t give up now! This month is the time to create and start achieving your goals. Even if this takes days, weeks, months, and maybe until next December – that is okay.
Keep it up on chasing your goals, because you got this!
And, even if you don’t achieve your New Year’s goals this year, it is not the end of the world, as there is always next year, and are many more years down the road.
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