On Wednesday morning, there were many smiling, excited faces as MHCC leaders gathered to formally kick off construction for the new Student HUB by smashing holes in a wall in the former Financial Aid office with golden hammers.
The HUB is set to be complete by Aug. 15, before new students arrive for Fall Term.
The brief kickoff event was used to recognize the many groups who have worked to make the HUB concept come to fruition.
John Hamblin, executive dean of student development, thanked the college’s Title III team, which did the research to create the HUB; the Associated Student Government (ASG); Hue Architecture and Design; and Dave Pontious, director of Accessible Education Services at Mt. Hood.
Hamblin talked about how much courage it takes for new students to make the choice to come to the Gresham campus, figure out where to go to get started, and apply to be a student here.
“We thought, ‘Let’s be really intentional about being student-focused. Let’s design a space that’s 100% student-centered,’ and this is that space,” said Hamblin. “This is about a physical space, but also about changes in process, changes in how we go about serving our students, and there’s been a lot of work that’s gone into that.”
Lisa Skari, college president, thanked MHCC District Board members Diane McKeel and Jim Zordich for attending, and thanked the MHCC Foundation for making the HUB financially feasible with a sizable contribution (a total $287,000 toward the HUB/New Student Experience project) to its cost.
Skari said, “Our hope is that this design work better serves students.”
Six people got to swing the golden hammers into the left (north-facing) wall inside the current Student Services lobby – the space which will become the focal point where all incoming students get started on campus in the new orientation center.
It seemed fitting that students were the first to get to bash into the taped-off section of the wall.
Kim Poling, ASG’s campus affairs representative, expressed her excitement for the HUB.
“Mt. Hood has been the same for a really long time, so it’s nice to see the changes being made to improve the onboarding experience and the new student experience for current and future students,” she said. “I’m really excited to see the final outcome.”
Bob Hansen, ASG president for 2018-19, said that while he had a great welcome to MHCC, he recently met another student who was struggling to figure out just how to get started. He said the future MHCC student was intently staring at the main map out front, and that he (Hansen) wasn’t sure where to send him, and so he’s excited that as of this fall, the HUB will be the quick answer.
“I’m very grateful that we’re taking this opportunity to think about the students and help them out,” said Hansen.
Poling and Hansen punched their holes in the wall, followed by McKeel, Skari, Zordich, and Al Sigala, MHCC Foundation executive director.
While most participants just took one swing, Zordich went back for more after everyone else to really open the up hole, much to the amusement of everyone watching.
There will be a more decorous ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the HUB in August.
For all the latest on construction, keep an eye on your Saints (or Mt. Hood) email for updates on various office closures and relocations.
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