Instructor to lecture on prehistoric art

The Chauvet cave art of southern France is the subject of a lecture and slide show today from noon to 1 p.m. in Room AC1310.

The information will come from an article on the subject that Andy Gurevich, a part-time instructor of literature, philosophy and religion, wrote for the March 2013 edition of Popular Science.
According to Gurevich, the Chauvet Cave discovery is the earliest find in human art, dating to around 32,000 years ago.

“I believe I have been able to explain some of the more mysterious and archaic elements of the wall art from the perspective of cultural mythology and paleo-religion,” said Gurevich in an all-staff e-mail Wednesday night.

He added the cave holds clues to “reform our world along the lines of empathy and compassion instead of competition and greed” due to their setting in the time of the “birthplace of consciousness and religion.”

— Mike Mata

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