Photo by Fletcher Wold / the Advocate
I tried cardio kickboxing and abs, and let me tell you… it was really fun!
Debbie Kline led the course (look for the PE185 series at MHCC), and you better show up hydrated and ready to work because she is a powerhouse. Now, I’m not trying to deter anyone – the course isn’t a struggle to keep up with, but it did wear me out.
The course included a few basic moves that were mixed together, and interspersed with variation, which made the class fun and easy to keep up with, even as a beginner with no expectations or foreknowledge. Keep in mind, as well, that I jumped into this course at about the 8-week mark. So the course, to a beginner, was likely more tiring than if I had joined at the beginning of the term and participated in the gradual increase in difficulty.
With a healthy combination of kicks, squats, and punches, there was never a moment that was not engaging. The squats were especially tough because we did almost 200, but they were never monotonous, as we used a medicine ball to work our arms and stay engaged.
I also took a moment to chat with Kline after the course and ask a few questions, starting with what was her favorite course to teach. “Spinning and abs because of the face-to-face interaction with students, and because it is such a good workout. It generates a good sweat,” she said.

Graphic by Sheila Embers / the Advocate
I took spinning and abs, and I can totally agree, it’s a great workout. Kline even subbed for my spinning and abs instructor a few times, and she was very high energy, very fun.
What is your favorite thing about this course? I asked her.
“The energy and the powerful feeling of the kickboxing aspect of the class,” she answered. “I grew up in a time where women were encouraged to be feminine, gentle. You can just go through the movements, or you can put power into them and it feels powerful.”
While the course is more focused on cardio, and not a training course for any sort of defense, it did feel really powerful – I felt cool while participating.
I had one other question for Kline: Favorite food?
“Lebanese food, if I had to choose a food, but sweets are my downfall… I love to bake, which is part of the reason I love to exercise,” she said.
Anything else MHCC students should know?
“The P.E. center tends to get forgotten because students are so focused on academics, but it is important for students to remember the benefits of exercise to academics, like the de-stressing effect,” she replied.
Overall, I really enjoyed the course and I would recommend it to anyone who thinks cardio is boring or wants to feel like they’re in a training montage for an hour.
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