The November election is quickly approaching – and one of Oregon’s ballot measures would directly impact all future elections across the state.
Passage of Measure 107 would permit limits on campaign contributions that could contribute to an election’s outcome. It also requires that political advertisements identify their sponsorship and just who pays for those ads, and there would be more identification within campaigns.
Those against the measure who would vote “no” oppose authorizing the Oregon Legislature and local governments to make laws that limit campaign contributions, or require identification of sponsorships in political ads.
In recent years, several cities and even the Legislature have adopted contribution limits (often by a public vote), only to seem them rejected in court.
The Oregon Supreme Court case of Vannatta v. Kiesling found that the freedom of speech stated in the state’s constitution prevents the Legislature from limiting campaign finance activities.
This prompted Measure 107, which would alter the Oregon constitution and so requires a statewide, public vote. The measure was referred to voters by the Legislature.
For details about the measure, visit:,_Campaign_Finance_Limits_Amendment_(2020)
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