None of us could have predicted the ending of our 2019-20 school year. Actually, 2020 has already thrown us so many curveballs. In just five months we have seen the loss of Lakers legend Kobe Bryant, raging wildfires in Australia, a nationwide lockdown lasting over a month, and the U.S. government formally acknowledging the existence of UFOs.
Between all of those events and all of the hard decisions that have been made at MHCC this year, I’d be lying if I said it was never overwhelming being Editor-in-Chief here at The Advocate.
However, working for The Advocate the past two years has always felt like an honor, and being Editor-in-Chief was no different. Our team has worked so hard to cover events, news, and popular culture for fellow Saints at MHCC this year. We have been at volleyball and basketball games, attended mock funerals and musical rehearsals, and walked through art galleries and special events.
All of this goes to say that my love for The Advocate, this school, and all of the unique people attending it has given me a perspective on what’s in store for this college, which I would like to share.
As I get ready to graduate from Mt. Hood and move on to the next phase of my college education – attending UNC for journalism – my hope is that MHCC will make all future decisions with true transparency and in the absolute best interest of the students.
It is true that most of us are only here for two or three years. However, we come to this beautiful campus several times a week (I guess now we check in on Blackboard), and we develop bonds with those around us, including instructors, people we share classes with, and those who join the same co-curricular programs.
Many students at MHCC have younger siblings who will follow them in a few years, and they deserve to attend a school that puts them first. Saints care about what happens to our school. We care about what programs are offered. We care about which co-curriculars will be receiving funding next year. We care about the hours of the cafeteria. We care about each other, and it has been so amazing to see what Saints are capable of.
This year, the ASG (Associated Student Government) kept Barney’s Pantry going and helped tons of Saints stay fed. MHCC’s women’s basketball team made it to the NWAAC championship for the third straight time, and won their only contest. The Advocate won second place in general excellence this year in the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association’s collegiate competition. The Multicultural and Diversity Resource Center began holding student voice forums this year, giving students a physical space to discuss concerns pertaining to campus. Saints held discussions about Hong Kong protests, Martin Luther King Jr.’s life work, and women’s suffrage.
The list of amazing things our community did this year continues. All of this goes to say, it is in the best interest of this school for the administration to actively listen to advice and input of Saints, and the Mt. Hood community in general. Do not make decisions ahead of time and take “backlash” later, but rather, present an idea and accept ideas and alternatives from a community of people who love this school.
I’m excited to see what the next academic year has in store for this community.
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