New Year’s gym newbies
It’s not far into the new year, which means that there are plenty of resolutions that haven’t been broken yet. And because there are so many Americans struggling with their health (one-third of adults are technically “obese” now), the most popular resolution is getting healthy. This means that there will be plenty of new faces at the gym.
While the New Year’s gym spike is commonly the topic of jest, it’s sad that these memberships usually expire within a month or two.
Fitness expert Michael Chang suggests the best way to get in the habit of exercising is to do it every day. It doesn’t need to be a major workout, but you have to find some time during your day where you can get at least ten or twenty minutes of exercise.
Getting the act of exercising ingrained into your daily routine is key. Popular health websites, such as WebMD, also advise setting reasonable goals, such as losing ten pounds or being able to run a mile. And then go from there.
Now that you know some ways to stick with it, here are some ways to perform and improve like a seasoned gym veteran. After all, you can’t just stroll into the gym without any prior experience and expect a smooth workout or instant results. You have to have a game plan, and figure out a routine that works for you and follow it when you get in the gym.
If you are new to the gym, a lot of the equipment can seem quite daunting. If you don’t know how to use something, don’t use it. You are going to end up wasting everybody’s time, looking like an idiot and possibly getting yourself hurt in the process. Find someone who can give you a crash course on gym equipment, so you can look like a seasoned gym veteran. The same goes for free weights, where it’s even more likely to get an injury without knowing the proper techniques.
This may seem obvious, but the gym is not social hour. Nobody wants to hear you talking on the phone or with a friend while they do their thing. For many, the gym is a time of relaxation and Zen, and noisy conversation is not welcome.
Meantime, dedicated health enthusiasts, don’t think you are superior because you are a regular at the gym or in better shape. It’s a terrible, elitist mentality to have. You should be encouraging the newbies to accomplish their goals. We are not saying you should give them a big sweaty hug or cheer them on as they struggle on the elliptical. Just hold back that face you make when you are annoyed or dismissive of someone else. Going to the gym takes a lot of courage for the not-so physically gifted, and annoyed looks only make them feel crappier. And, if you feel like going the extra mile, introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.
This is the time of year when the most people are in the gym or trying to exercise; let’s make it stay that way. We seriously can’t afford to slip down the obesity ladder any further.
So, health nuts, don’t give newbies the stink-eye, and newbies, don’t give them a reason.
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