The Advocate takes TOP honors for general excellence, third in sweeps

The Advocate, Mt. Hood’s student newspaper, won first place for print general excellence in the Pacific Northwest Association of Journalism Educators (PNAJE) 2019 college competition, in results announced this week.
This year, there were 380 team/individual entries from Oregon and Washington schools; however, Idaho, Alaska, and Montana schools were also eligible to enter. Entries consisted of work that students completed from Spring Quarter 2018 through Winter Quarter 2019.
Students were given constructive feedback from 19 judges, comprised of communications professionals who currently or previously worked for publications across the U.S., including the The Washington Post, Newsday, The Detroit News, McClatchy Newspapers, The Olympian, The News Virginian and The (Tacoma) News Tribune. Other judges included communication professors from Western Washington University, Everett Community College, Foster Web Marketing, Averill & Associates LLC and PRI/PRX. (For a list of judges, please view final paragraph.)
The Advocate also placed third in the publications sweeps categories – meaning it placed third in most awards won overall.
Individual awards not mentioned above include the following:
Individual sweeps:
Third place, Fletcher Wold
Comprehensive coverage:
First place,
Cassie Wilson & Megan Phelps
Staff editorials:
First and second place
Sports feature reporting:
First place, Jonathan Zacarias
Third place, Kurt Larson
Photo essay:
First place, Fletcher Wold
Features photo:
Honorable Mention,
Fletcher Wold
Editorial cartoon or illustration
Third place, Eli Rankin
Best website:
Honorable Mention (staff)
Sports photo
Honorable Mention,
Fletcher Wold
Portrait photography:
Honorable Mention,
Fletcher Wold
Photo illustration/graphics
Honorable Mention, Eli Rankin
Personality profile:
Honorable Mention,
Cassie Wilson
Khristopher Brooks, reporter at Newsday in New York/adjunct professor at SUNY Old Westbury; Alex Veeneman, journalist; Renae Gould, marketing specialist, Foster Web Marketing; Tony Greiner, former adviser, Portland Community College student newspaper, “The Bridge”; Nick Assendelft, Michigan Agency for Energy and Michigan Public Service Commission; Jonathan Nesvig, retired journalist; Steve Bloom, photojournalist, The Olympian; John Harris, associate professor, Department of Journalism, Western Washington University; Michelle Mitchell, photojournalist at The News Virginian; Dianne Averill, managing partner, and Michael Rizzo, creative director, from Averill & Associates LLC; Jo Herrera, audience engagement specialist at PRI/PRX; Victoria Lim, multimedia pioneer, journalist and educator; Roxanne Cooke, photographer; Kirk Ericson, writer/editor; Whitney Juckno, The Washington Post; Kerry Swenson, former copy editing and design professional; T. Andrew Wahl, journalism and media communication instructor, Everett Community College.
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