Star Wars: Does the force really awaken?
I’ve held off on reviewing “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” since it’s been released. Honestly, with all the frenzy surrounding the movie and huge fuss about spoilers, I figured it best to let it rest for a while. Now, I’m not a Star Wars OG fan, if you will (hint: OG is used to say original, coming from ‘Original Gangster’). Honestly, my brother was obsessed with the series growing up and because we would butt heads on a regular basis, I wrote off Star Wars. I couldn’t consider it good, or in my taste, because it had been something my brother would watch. As an adult with developed interests and tastes, though, I’ve come to realize that I probably would flip for these movies. I could have been an OG if I had given the original trilogy a chance. Thus, I was pumped for The Force Awakens; I was behind it 100 percent.
So, I’m going to come right out and say it: The movie was fan service. I mean, many people have been pointing this out for a while, but it’s really the truth with The Force Awakens. It’s a regurgitated retelling of “A New Hope,” the first Star Wars movie released in 1977.
That’s not to say the movie wasn’t good, because it was, rest assured. It’s worth the see even if it’s only to say you’ve seen it. A throwback isn’t always a bad thing. Sure, Han Solo’s one-liners (such as “I like this girl” or “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”) got annoying after a bit, despite making me begrudgingly chuckle here and there. However, if the movie was made for fans, then it’s logical that fans would enjoy it. So, it’s truly a gray area when analyzing the movie in the way of a review.
I don’t know about you, but when I deal with gray areas in life, I try for an accepting approach while still holding the other party accountable for faults. I like the movie, a lot even. But it will never win a full rating from me. I wish I could give it a full 5 out of 5, but it’s coming out to be more of a 3 out of 5.
Highlights such as the character Poe Dameron make me want to give the movie that extra star. The performance by Oscar Isaac was kinetic and attracting. I know he was presented as a character with no visible faults, and can be argued as not yet being a full character in the series, but I’m definitely as interested to see where he goes as I am about the main character, Rey.
Alas, my rating stays where it is, firmly. The Force Awakens is what I like to call a ‘popcorn movie’; created to entertain, make money, and get a laugh. A snack among full-course meals such as “The Revenant,” or “Room.” Because of that, I give it a 3 out of 5 on the lightsaber scale.
An utterly fair, honest and accurate assessment of the film. I say that and I loved it to death, but I do that knowing it was made for the kid in me.