Student fee budget moves to next approval stage
Turnout for the student forum to discuss the student fee budget was above average this year, according Nathan Harris, the Associated Student Government director of finance.
The student fee budget consists of revenues taken from student fees and fundraising by the MHCC co-curricular and athletic groups.
The proposed 2012-13 budget is $1,330,899, which is $300,000 more than the 2011-12 budget of $964,700, which goes toward funding the co-curricular and athletic programs.
One of the items within the budget is the proposed Diversity Resource Center, a center devoted to “establish a vibrant community space on campus devoted to encouraging fellowship, nurturing ideas, sharing resources and above all promoting diversity,” as stated in the proposal’s mission statement.
The 2012-13 budget includes $30,000 toward the proposed diversity center.
Harris said that while last year only one or two students participated in the forums, this year “there was a great turnout.”
On the first day of the student forum, Harris said about two students showed up. On the second day, four or so students came and participated actively in the forum, he said.
“We really wanted to do more to promote the event,” said Harris, adding that ASG officials placed posters throughout campus to help get the word out for the student forums.
“This is stuff students need to know about,” he said.
With the conclusion of the student forums, the 2012-13 student fee budget will now make its way to the ASG Executive Cabinet for the approval.
The ASG Executive Cabinet will meet today from 1-3 p.m., with the consideration of the student fee budget on the agenda.
Harris said it is very likely the budget will be approved.
If approved by the executive cabinet, the budget will go on to the Student Senate, which will meet next Thursday from 2-4 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
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