April 30, 2021 0UP-TO-DATE TRACK UPDATEWeb Graphic The Mt. Hood Saints competed twice during April in their first track and field action after a [...]
February 6, 2021 0TRACK AND FIELD, CROSS COUNTRY ATHLETES GEARING UP FOR SEASONWeb Graphic. The MHCC Track and Field team, women’s and men’s squads included, is gearing up for its [...]
March 12, 2020 0GORDIEN AND NWOKOMA COMPETE FOR SUCCESSFreshman Dayne Gordien. Photo by Maysee Thao|The Advocate The MHCC track and field teams are gearing for [...]
October 18, 2019 0A SAINTS ATHLETE’S JOURNEY BACK TO RUNNINGMichael Ahl is just starting his studies in Sports and Exercise Science at Mt. Hood, but he’s already come [...]