The Advocate is seeking to fill editorial and administrative positions for the 2018-2019 school year. Any registered Mt. Hood student may apply for any position. Compensation for hired staff is through tuition waivers or federal work study wages.
Job interviews for these positions will be held through Thursday, June 7 and will take up to 30 minutes. Students can come prepared with a résumé, cover letter, or a portfolio of work. Prior experience is not necessary, though strong communication skills and a willingness to contribute in various ways are desired.
The Advocate encourages anyone interested to apply, or reach out for more information.
Positions at the Advocate cover a variety of creative and business aspects, and students with interests in design, art, photography, writing, management, sales, and marketing are desired. Mt. Hood’s student newspaper provides involved students with real-world, creative industry experience and gives them an opportunity to build their portfolio with published, professionally edited works.
For more information or to schedule an interview, please email Advocate adviser Dan Ernst at [email protected].
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