Opening the doors to accessibility at MHCC

From the MHCC Accessibility Taskforce

Physical accessibility at MHCC has been a work in progress, but we’re excited to say that progress is indeed taking place, with multiple power doors to be installed over the summer!

Already this year, the Visual Arts Gallery and the VA Theatre have been made ADA-accessible, and the campus Accessibility Task Force has collaborated with Health and Physical Education to make sure the Mt. Hood stadium bleachers are made accessible and include railings for individuals to use along the stairs.

Power doors are being installed in the following places: Entries to 2557 and 2660 on the Academic Center spine to allow more accessible entrances to departments, beyond Instructional Services and Allied Health, which are at the far ends of the department offices; 2731 at the Dental Clinic, a high impact area as it serves the (greater) community; 2300 at the Library, to finish accessible entrances and exits to the Library, with this device being placed at the main entrance from outside into the lobby; 1109 into the hallway next to Cosmetology (the MHCC salon) because there are ADA restrooms in that hallway, but have been no accessible entrances to get to them; Industrial Technology Building 18 main entry door, and the IT18 hallway to IT30.

Young woman wheels herself in wheelchair through MHCC library doors next to Dave Pontious from Accessible Education Services
Photo by Megan Phelps / the Advocate

We’d like to extend thanks to Doug Schleichert and Eric Manarang for their facilitation on moving this project forward from the Accessibility Taskforce. The work should be completed over summer.

As we continue to make improvements across campus in terms of physical accessibility, we’d like to end the year with a few friendly reminders as we work against ableism. These are some things that anyone can remember and be conscious of in their daily life.

Accessibility features can be looked at as convenient by those who do not require them, but are absolutely necessary for individuals with disabilities. Please be considerate and avoid using accessible restroom stalls, unless it’s necessary for you. Same goes for accessible drop-off zones and parking.

It’s easy to think, “I’ll just be a minute. What are the chances someone will need to use this while I’m using it?” However, MHCC serves a NUMBER of students with documented disabilities, as well as many people from the broader community, including those with disabilities.

It’s tempting to use the bigger stalls or the closer parking, but just remember that not everyone has a choice when it comes to utilizing these features, and many people truly NEED these accommodations.

Lastly, we’d like to thank everyone on the Accessibility Taskforce for their commitment and work this year, as well as the Student Services Leadership Team and Infrastructure and Access and Diversity Council for their ongoing support of work to make Mt. Hood more accessible.

Members of the Taskforce are ongoing, consistent advocates for this work, and they are: Parrish Chang, student; Cassie Wilson, student; Tristan Price, electronic and IT accessibility coordinator; Kim Hyatt, Dean of HPE, Athletics, Aquatics, and Recreation; Nicci Harwood, TRIO adviser, Student Support Services; Samantha Piers-VanderPloeg, student success specialist, High School Services; Eric Manarang, manager of custodial services, Facilities; Taylor Reed, advising services specialist; Ellen Garcia, nursing instructor; Valory Thatcher, science, anatomy, and physiology instructor; Doug Schleichert, project coordinator, Facilities; Bhaktirose Dawdy, workforce development specialist, coordinator; Troy Builta, building information specialist, Facilities; Kelsie O’Dea, assistive technology specialist, Accessible Education Services; Kenia Perez-Correa, student success specialist, Industrial Tech and Apprenticeship; Edie Overturf, instructor, Visual Arts; Kevin Lambert, music and choral director, Performing Arts.

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